L’Oreal Garnier commercial grade breakdown

One of my first blog postings was a  color breakdown of a Powerade commercial graded on Baselight.  It’s not too often that these become available for public consumption, so when they do, I love to share them.  Many times these high profile clients require Colorists to sign non disclosure agreements (I know that I have to on several occasions).  After all, there is a lot of money at stake for some of these brands.  This breakdown offers a very impressive look at the typical “beauty” commercial.  Lots of windowing, softening, and isolated regions combine to make a very effective look.  Especially against a windowed backdrop, this looks as though it was a very challenging shot that was handled extremely well.


Apparently this video has been taken down.  And, honestly, I’m not surprised.  The beauty industry rarely allows these insider looks.  So be it.  We’ll just have to keep our eyes peeled for the next one!
