I have had a couple of interactions with cinematographer Matt Workman over the years. He’s originally from Boston, so we have quite a few mutual contacts. Every now and again, I’m lucky enough to get some of his work in the color suite and it’s always top notch.
Recently, Matt has launched Cinematography Database. It’s a great website that offers a detailed insight into his world as a cinematographer. We share similar opinions in believing that the more you know about the filmmaking process, the better you will be at your specific craft. As a colorist, there is nothing more important than how you analyze an image and bring forth it’s maximum potential. And that involves learning how an image is acquired. How it’s lit, what kind of light is being used, the intended end result, etc. Learning what goes into creating the image can only make us better at what we do in the color suite. And it works the other way, too. A cinematographer learning what is possible in post and the intricacies that happen in a grading suite will improve their craft. The worlds are slowly starting to mesh together and a mutual understanding is incredibly important towards achieving the final desired look.
My favorite part of the website is dedicated to detailed breakdowns of lighting setups and some great behind the scenes looks at some of the best of the best. Matt showcases all the things that help me better analyze an image and understand the intended effect. It’s a job well done and presented in a manner that’s relatively easy to digest. Well done, Matt. Keep up the great work!
As of the summer of 2016 the breakdowns of Cinematography Database are no longer available