Digital Tutors Resolve 12 blog

While at NAB 2015 I had the pleasure of meeting a couple of representatives from Digital Tutors.  I had never checked out their site before, but was very interested in paying it a visit.  After navigating the site I was pleasantly surprised to see the level of depth, professionalism, and detail that they go into…

Color in Storytelling

This video has been making it’s way around social media over the last couple days and it really provides an in depth look at the role color plays in storytelling.  A lot of times we take color in movies for granted and just accept them as the way that they are.  In reality, hours upon hours…

An Invisible Art

This link has been making the rounds through all of my social media outlets lately and brings up some very good points.  CG is everywhere, we just don’t always notice it.  Unfortunately we only really pay attention to bad CG since it sticks out like a sore thumb.  But good CG (like good coloring) often…

Sony versus LG – client monitors

For the last two years I have had a Sony BVM OLED as my main grading monitor and I love it.  It really offers everything that I need to see and then some.  Rich blacks, consistent performance, and fantastic color representation.  The only problem is the size.  24 inches.  That’s as big as they get…

Stella Artois, Balloon

This commercial really piqued my interest the other night while watching television.  I try to notice new work when it comes on air to pick up on any trends or techniques that high end spots are implementing.  After a little research I found out that this was colored at MPC by world-renowned colorist Jean-Clément Soret.  It has a really…

An inside look at Mad Max: Fury Road

I recently had the pleasure of watching “Mad Max: Fury Road” in theaters last week and was completely blown away.  I can’t remember the last time a movie impacted me the way that this one did.  The cinematography, editing, visual effects, and color were all outstanding.  I left completely inspired.  I had been saving articles…

External Mattes in DaVinci Resolve

Lately I’ve been having to utilize external mattes a lot in commercial work.  If you’re not familiar with them, they’re extremely handy and you’ll wonder how life ever existed without them.  Although the workflow is fairly simple, it was recently brought to my attention that not many people are aware of the external matte capabilities…

1913 Christina in Red

I’m sure a lot of people have seen this by now, but I figured I’d share on my blog page for anyone who hasn’t.  I absolutely love seeing these type of things.  I find it fascinating to see time periods that we’re used to seeing in black and white and then re-envisioning them in color….

How Schools Kill Creativity

I just came across this TED talk from 2006 when a friend passed it along to me.  In the video, educator Ken Robinson discusses the importance of creativity and how modern day schooling is stifling it.  By no means am I against challenging our children academically.  I feel it’s important to push them to see…

Man of Steel in color

A couple of days ago I saw this video everywhere I looked.  Twitter, Facebook, and random sites I visit regularly were all showcasing this video.  While I appreciate a good debate every now and again, the fact that this video went viral and gained so much attention really rubbed me the wrong way. It’s kind of a…

Resolve 12 Top 5 Creative Features

Earlier this month I had the privilege of working for Black Magic Design as a demo artist for DaVinci Resolve 12 during NAB.  This was my second time around working as a demo artist for them and it was just as crazy as the first.  Long days, lots of networking, and cramming my head full of…

Not All Colors Are Born Equal

Back in college I took an art class that discussed in depth how we perceive colors.  I specifically remember being shocked when the professor held up a color swatch next to another color, then swapped the color it was adjacent to.  Before my eyes, the original color changed.  It really showed the importance of context….

Color and VFX interaction

Snickers had one of the most talked about Super Bowl spots with their :30 commercial “The Brady Bunch”.  It was extremely well executed and came off flawlessly.  The interaction of present day actors combined with footage that is over thirty years old is quite impressive. To pull this off correctly there had to be hours…

Cinematographer & Colorist interaction

In the color suite the interaction between a cinematographer and colorist is critical.  Especially in feature work.  It’s our responsibility to make sure that the original vision of the film is represented accurately and brought to life.  In this quick four minute clip cinematographer Daryn Okada takes us behind the scenes of Dolphin Tale 2…

Evolving looks

While color grading over the years I have seen some trends in commercial work that have become popular for one reason or another.  New influences, styles, and evolving ideas seem to grab hold of the creative community and not let go for quite some time.  Of course one of the most popular looks is the “teal…