
What Makes Colorists so Special?

I came across this link the other day and was quite surprised to find such a detailed article focusing on the craft that I call my profession.  It’s a great look at the mysterious world of color grading and what it entails.  Showcasing interviews with some of the best colorists in London, it offers a detailed insight…

In Our Minds Eye

I recently came across this video from Mytherapy and it immediately struck a chord with me and reminded me how passionate colorists are about their jobs.  I take a lot of pride in my work and try to do my best while getting better everyday.  As colorists we’re a relatively small community and it’s great to see a…

Technicolor Acquires The Mill

Last week Technicolor made quite the splash in the post production world by acquiring industry powerhouse The Mill for €259 million .  This aggressive move will definitely be an interesting one to watch as they push to involve more vfx work to compliment their already impressive resume. The line between color and visual effects is being blurred more…

Big things, small packages

If you’re involved in the world of post production chances are that you’ve heard of Post Magazine.  They’re an industry standard that offers a fantastic insight to our crazy little world.  Recently, the team at Post Magazine reached out and asked me to write an article about how smaller post houses (like where I work) compete…

Digital Tutors Resolve 12 blog

While at NAB 2015 I had the pleasure of meeting a couple of representatives from Digital Tutors.  I had never checked out their site before, but was very interested in paying it a visit.  After navigating the site I was pleasantly surprised to see the level of depth, professionalism, and detail that they go into…

Color in Storytelling

This video has been making it’s way around social media over the last couple days and it really provides an in depth look at the role color plays in storytelling.  A lot of times we take color in movies for granted and just accept them as the way that they are.  In reality, hours upon hours…

An Invisible Art

This link has been making the rounds through all of my social media outlets lately and brings up some very good points.  CG is everywhere, we just don’t always notice it.  Unfortunately we only really pay attention to bad CG since it sticks out like a sore thumb.  But good CG (like good coloring) often…

Sony versus LG – client monitors

For the last two years I have had a Sony BVM OLED as my main grading monitor and I love it.  It really offers everything that I need to see and then some.  Rich blacks, consistent performance, and fantastic color representation.  The only problem is the size.  24 inches.  That’s as big as they get…

Stella Artois, Balloon

This commercial really piqued my interest the other night while watching television.  I try to notice new work when it comes on air to pick up on any trends or techniques that high end spots are implementing.  After a little research I found out that this was colored at MPC by world-renowned colorist Jean-Clément Soret.  It has a really…